Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
Stay tuned for an exciting announcement this afternoon!
1: Metcon (No Measure)
Shoulder Warmup:
1 round:
5 calorie row
10 Plate Circles
10 Pass Throughs/Dislocates
10 DB Shoulder Press
10 Dumbell Squat Clean
5 Muscle up Transitions + 5 ring kips + 2-5 Muscle Up attempts (if you have muscle ups are close to getting them)
10 minute limit on this. When coach calls time, you must stop wherever you are and move to setting up for WOD. Must be ready for WOD by 15 after.
2: Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Part One:
Min 1: :35 seconds for max calorie Row
Min 2: :35 seconds for max reps of Clean and Jerks at 135/95#
Min 3: :35 seconds for max reps of Muscle ups
Rx+: 185/135 clean and jerk
To score this, combine your total # of calories for the five rounds of rowing combined, your total reps of clean and jerk, and your total reps for muscle up.
Scale muscle up as needed: transitions, ring rows, or even dips if you want to work on dips. No pullups, only do ring rows or dips–if ring rows seem too easy to you, then you are doing them wrong. Make yourself as horizontal as possible by elevating your feet on a box.
3: Metcon (Time)
Part Two:
2 RFT:
400m Run
200m Sandbag Run, heavy
100m Farmers Carry*, heavy
50m Sled Drag, heavy
25m Handstand Walk (or 30 Shoulder taps, or 1:00 Handstand hold, or 25 DB Push Press—you pick the scale)
* you choose the weights and the device for all carries.
For example, you can use dumbbells, kettlebells, jerry cans, or plates for the farmer carry. Plates must be held on the outer edges. No putting your hands in the center!
Rx+: Do three rounds.
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