Bandit CrossFit WOD–Monday, July 21, 2014

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Monday, July 21, 2014

Main – CrossFit

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1: Crossover Symmetry (No Measure)

2: Metcon (No Measure)

Squat (bands above knees)

1×20 Tempo 23×1

Really focus on driving the knees out while descending and while in the bottom.


3: Weighted Glute Bridge (3×12, Tempo 20×3, HAP — rest 2 minutes)
Try to go heavier than last week, but DO NOT sacrifice form.

4: Split Foot Squat (Rear Foot Elevated) w/DB (3×8 each leg, Tempo 30×1, HAP –rest 1 min)

5: High Bar Back Squat (Work to a heavy triple. Do not max–2 min rest)


6: Metcon (Time)

30 Wall Ball (20/14)
6 Bar MU
20 Wall Ball (20/14)
9 Bar MU
10 Wall Ball (20/14)
12 Bar MU

Scaling for Bar MU:
6 C2B pullups/ 6 ring dips
9 C2B pullups/ 9 ring dips
12 C2B pullups/12 ring dips

Do all C2B first, then all ring dips after

Level 4, Rx+ use 30/20# WB

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