Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
1: Metcon (No Measure)
5-10 Min AMRAP
200 Meter Run
10 OHS 45/35, tempo 33×1
If you can’t do perfect OHS, then squat to a box with a PVC.
2: Front Squat (6×3, moderate to heavy, tempo 51×1)
This is the “learn it” phase of our strength cycle. Find a moderate to heavy weight, up to 80-85%, and lift it with the 5 second tempo going down.
There are two things that must be a priority over the load/intensity of this training:
1) Holding the tempo. If you can’t hold this 5 second tempo, watching a clock, then the weight is too heavy.
2) Technique. If you can’t lift this weight and maintain good technique, the weight is too heavy.
Find a weight that challenges you, but one that allows you to work in the parameters of the intent behind this and you will make greater gains.
3: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
Three rounds for time of:
12 Calories of Assault Bike
9 Hang Cleans (155/105 lbs)
6 Muscle-Ups
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
15 Calories of Assault Bike
2 Rope Climbs
Rx+: 185/125# clean
Legless rope climbs
Extra Work
4: Metcon (No Measure)
4.1) 3x 10 Single Leg Deadlift (10 Each Leg), rest 60 seconds between legs. Use KB or DB.
8 Glute-Ham Raises @ tempo of 3011
20 (10 each leg) Front Racked Barbell Step-Ups
(box should be at height so that thigh is parallel to the ground with foot on the box)
Rest as needed
:60 second Plank Hold
10 Glute Bridges
Rest as needed
Glute Bridge Demo:
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