Bandit CrossFit WOD–Monday, September 6, 2016

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Monday, September 6, 2016

Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit

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1: Bandit Barbell Clean AND Jerk Warm-up (No Measure)


Today, we are doing the Pensacola Beach Brawl strength events.

When the time starts in this event, you should have at least 3, or possibly even 4-5 attempts.

For today’s work, the coach will need to spend time helping you decide an opening weight that can help you to get to your max as soon as possible.

My suggestion is to open at a moderately heavy weight that you can hit all day every day–no matter the external factors: fatigue, mood, soreness, etc. Next, move to a weight that is challenging, perhaps even your current 1RM, depending on how you feel. Then, that will leave you time to repeat it if you fail. If you make it, then you will get time to go higher.

At competitions, it is very common to hit PRs. The adrenaline in your system is at a high, and you can do some pretty amazing things.

If you miss an attempt in the 6 minutes, do not reattempt right away–unless the miss was at an easy weight, and you know that the miss was merely technical. If you have a miss that took a lot of effort, you need to take a full rest (as if you made the lift) before you reattempt. You definitely don’t want to spend 2 minutes wearing yourself out with back-to-back-to-back attempts in a desperate move to make it. It is better to get some

It is important to note that you will need to spend some considerable time in the warmup area warming up so you can go right into your heat ready to make at least three attempts at heavier weights. There is little time to work up. You must be primed for the heavy stuff when you get in there.

The coaches today will give you about 20 minutes to warmup. Start light with fives, triples and/or doubles, and then move up to about 70% and singles if you are doing the individual clean and jerk event.

The coach will start the 6 min clock around the :25 minute mark in the class.

The E2MOM work that we have been doing on Mondays and Tuesdays should be very helpful in helping you recover quickly here.

2: Clean and Jerk (6 MIN to find 1 RM)

6 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk

Description: When the clock begins, athletes will have 6 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk. The empty barbell begins on the ground. Clips must be used. Athletes may attempt as many times as needed within the allotted time, and may go up or down as desired. Any Clean variation is acceptable and any Jerk variation is acceptable, as long as standards are met.


– The empty barbell begins on the ground.

– Any clean variation is allowed- power clean, split clean, or squat clean may be used to get the bar to the shoulders.

– Any jerk variation is allowed- push press, push jerk, split jerk.

– The barbell must come to full lockout with the hips, knees, and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body.

Score is total weight.

2.2: Pensacola Beach Brawl 2016 Event 2–Strength (Team Scaled) (Weight)

With a 12-minute clock, Partner 1/2 will have 6 minutes to establish a 3RM Thruster. Partner 3/4 will have 6 minutes to establish a 3RM Front Squat.

Description: When the clock begins, the 2 athletes will have 6 minutes to establish 3RM Thruster. The barbell begins on the ground and will start empty. Clips must be used. The weight will be taken from the ground, no assistance. Mixed teams will send 1 Male and 1 Female (each will have their own bar). A Squat Clean on the 1st rep is acceptable as long as the depth is achieved.

At the 6-minute mark, Partner 3/4 will have 6 minutes to establish a 3RM Front Squat. The barbell begins on the ground and will start empty. Clips must be used. The weight will be taken from the ground, no assistance. Mixed teams will send 1 Male and 1 Female. A Squat Clean on the 1st rep is acceptable as long as the depth is achieved.


– The empty barbell begins on the ground.

– Athletes may power clean the weight up to begin the Thruster complex or squat clean the weight.

– If the athlete uses a full squat clean to begin the complex, full depth must be achieved.

– Athletes must come up in one fluid motion and lock the barbell out overhead.

– No re-bend of the knee is allowed as athletes are coming up to complete the rep.

– At the top of the Thruster, the arms, knees, and hips must be completely open with the barbell locked out and directly over the body. Athletes may rest overhead or in the front rack, but NO resting in the back rack is allowed.

– For the Front Squats, a Squat Clean on the 1st rep is acceptable as long as the depth is achieved.

– At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell locked out and directly over the body.

Score is total weight.


Since we don’t know the distance, let’s just do a 400 meter sandbag run today.

Also, we don’t know how heavy the bags will be, and we don’t have a beach to run on or do our burpees on at the gym. It’s ok.

Just do the work to get the feel of this. Surprises are fun sometimes.

3: Pensacola Beach Brawl 2016 Event 1–Beach (Individual) (Time)

500M Row

20 Burpees over Sandbag (facing)

150M Sandbag Carry Beach Run

Description: When the clock begins, athletes will row 500 meters and then jump over the wall on to the beach and perform the burpees. The burpees will be facing the sandbag (perpendicular). Once all the burpees are complete the athletes will pick up the sandbag and run with it the entire distance of the run course. The workout is complete when athletes cross the finish line with the sandbag.


– Athletes may adjust the damper/foot straps as needed and may begin the workout seated in the rower, but may not grab the handle until the call of “go.”

– Athletes must stay seated until the rower reads 500 meters.

– Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the sandbag.

– The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom.

– The athlete must jump over the sandbag from both feet and land on both feet.

– The next rep will begin on the opposite side facing the sandbag.

– Athletes may carry the sandbag in any fashion during the run.

– The sandbag must be carried the entire run for forward progress to be made.

Score is total time.

3.2: Pensacola Beach Brawl 2016 Event 1–Beach (Team) (Time)

500M Row

15 Burpees over Sandbag (facing)

Beach Sandbag carry (distance TBA)

Description: This workout is follow the leader style. After the 1st partner Rows 500M, they advance to the Burpees and then the sandbag carry. Partner 2 may begin the Row as soon as partner 1 gets off the rower, but must wait until they are finished with the burpees/sandbag carry to begin their burpees. The pattern will continue for the entire workout. The workout is complete with the 4th partner finishes the sandbag carry.


– Athletes may adjust the damper/foot straps as needed and may begin the workout seated in the rower, but may not grab the handle until the call of “go.”

– Athletes must stay seated until the entire 500M are rowed.

– Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the sandbag.

– The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom.

– The athlete may step/jump over the sandbag.

– The next rep will begin on the opposite side facing the sandbag.

– Athletes may carry the sandbag in any fashion during the run.

– The sandbag must be carried the entire run for forward progress to be made.

– Teammates must wait for the partner ahead of them to finish the burpees and run before they begin the burpees.

Score is total time.

The post Bandit CrossFit WOD–Monday, September 6, 2016 appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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