Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, January 15, 2015

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, January 15, 2015

Main – CrossFit


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1: Metcon (No Measure)

Bring one mobility issue you suffer with the most. A coach will find some mobility solutions for you to work on for 30 minutes.

Note: People pay big bucks for the mobility information and tools you get access to almost daily with the price of your membership. Many of you have never been to another CrossFit gym, so you don’t know that it’s not like this in the majority of them. Take advantage of the vast knowledge of the amazing Bandit coaching team, and our endless mobility tools. We don’t mean to pat ourselves on the back, but we are pretty dang good at mobility and self-maintenance.

Under the guidance and teaching of Coach Kim, a voracious learner and student of Magnus Eklund, Kelly Starett, Jill Miller, Gray Cook and many other mobility experts, and Dale, a licensed physical therapist, and his wife, Jen, a PT student, and who are both mobility “junkies,” our Bandit coaches have frequent pow wows to discuss and learn new mobility and movement fixes. We are always thinking about your movement “issues,” and learning new ways to help you. Working together, we have all become very knowledgable on the subject, and we’re all very fortunate to have this body of world-class knowledge living right in our own gym.

PS: It ain’t bragging if it’s true!


3: Metcon (No Measure)


5 Dips on Rings or Dip Horn

3 Chin Ups (wear 20# vest if possible)

then five minute rest


30 shoulder taps chest facing wall or on box

17 tuck crunches

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