Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, January 29, 2014

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, January 29, 2014

Main – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard


1: CrossOver Symmetry Iron Scap (No Measure)


2: Metcon (No Measure)

A. 5 x 3 Skin the cats


B. 12 x 4 Pausing Pullups 3 seconds at the top, 5 second Negative

Jump to top of the pull-up

Hold your chin above the bar for 3’s count

lower to full extension in 5’s count

jump back up to top of bar


Rest as needed

** if comfortable, add 3-5lbs a round**


C. 3 x 20 Reverse DB Flys ( )


D. 5 x 0:25 second Hold Arch Body (Super man: laying on floor, head neutral, arms full extension legs straight and together)

+ 15 tuck Crunch

Rest 60 seconds


3: Max Double Under in 1 Minute (AMRAP – Reps)

The post Bandit CrossFit WOD–Thursday, January 29, 2014 appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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