Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
1: Metcon (No Measure)
1.a) 3×5 Seated DB Press
1.b) 3×10 Hanging Scap Depressions
1.c) 3×10 PVC Pass Throughs
1.d) 3×3-5 Strict Pullups
2: 1RM Weighted Pullup (Weight)
Strict Pullup, no kipping, max weight
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds:
2 Tire Flips
10 Sledge Hammer Swings (alternating)
5 Burpees
100′ run
5 Abmat Situps
Rest :60 seconds between each round.
If you cannot maintain the pace for all ten rounds, you should stop. The round time should stay fairly consistent throughout the whole piece. If the rounds are taking you longer than a minute and a half to complete, you should scale the work. The rest ratio should be at 1:1.
Score is total time. Keep up with your own rest. Do not worry about subtracting the rest from the total time.
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