Main – CrossFit
1: Bandit Daily Warm up (No Measure)
Run, row, or airdyne
10 Pass Throughs
10 Rotational Dislocates (each side)
Hip Circuit
2: CrossOver Symmetry Iron Scap (No Measure)
3: 1 Minute Max Kipping Pullups (AMRAP – Reps)
Spend about 5 minutes warming up your shoulders. Do some scapular depressions, kipping drills, etc.
These do not have to be an unbroken set. Just get as many as you can in a minute.
4: Metcon (No Measure)
1) 8 x 3 Rope Climbs With Legs ( +45-35lbs Weight vest, if possible)
2) 3-4 rounds of
•5 Bar Muscle-up Simulated Drill ( Heavy Elastic)
•5 Strict Pull-ups (+lbs each set)
•5 Scapular Depressions ( )
3) 100 Reps of: ( total = 50 per leg) Single Leg toes to bar
If unable to touch bar, lift leg as high as possible. Break up into equal sets
4) 60 Over head Sit-ups
break into sets as needed
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