Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
ROMWOD will be back next week!
1: CrossOver Symmetry Iron Scap (No Measure)
2: 3-MIN Squat (Barbell Overhead) (Weight)
Accumulate 3 Minutes (unbroken) in the bottom of a squat with a barbell overhead.
1. Form must be perfect. Use the heaviest weight that allows perfect form.
2. If perfect form cannot be achieved with weight overhead, hold a goblet squat or use the weight plate held out in front of you. Perfect form trumps difficulty all day!
3. Try to do this for 3 MIN UB. If you must take a break, do not click RX.
Keep track of what weight you use in your comments. Also, if you have to scale it, please make note of that in your comments. Try to note how many breaks you have to take, too. We want to use this as a progress indicator. These notes will be helpful for you as we repeat this test.
3: Metcon (No Measure)
1st: 1 Rope Climb
2nd: 1-2 Muscle Ups
3rd: 2 Wall Walks
4th: 5-7 Pushups
5th: 7-9 Toes to Bar
Stagger start this if necessary
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