Main – CrossFit
1: CrossOver Symmetry Iron Scap (No Measure)
2: Metcon (No Measure)
2a: 2×15 squats with sling shot/bands, tempo 25×1
2b: 2×10 pushup negatives, tempo 51×3 (make the descent as hard as possible, if you need to go to the knees to push up, that is ok.)
Remember to keep good form, hands under shoulders, elbows tucked in and pointing back, no wide arm pushups.
3: Metcon (No Measure)
Even: 3 Wall Walks
Odd: 6 Toes to Bar
If wall walks are not possible scale to :30 plank hold.
If toes to bar are not possible, scale to :30 hollow rock or hold.
4: 100 Burpees (Time)
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