Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
1: Ido’s Scapula Mobilization Routine (No Measure)
1: Metcon (No Measure)
3×5-7 Ring Pushups
Tempo 33×3
Don’t forget turnout at top.
2: Pushup Density Test (3 Rounds for reps)
For max reps:
90 seconds of Push-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Push-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Push-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set. Make sure each rep is of high quality.
3: 3 Minutes ME Double Unders (AMRAP – Reps)
Goal is to achieve 300 reps. If you can achieve 300 reps, double-unders become a skill that needs to be maintained rather than developed. If you are under 300 reps, they need to continue to be a focus of skill development.
This is a test, so try to do double unders for the full three minutes. Do not scale with single unders.
4: 10 Minute Max Assault Bike (Calories)
10 min max calorie assault bike
immediately into 10 min “cooldown” ride on assault bike
If workout must be split into two groups, row for cool down, while group 2 does air bike test.
Do not click RX unless you ride Assault Bike. Air Dyne is not the same as Assault Bike.
5: Metcon (Time)
400 Meter Odd Object Carry
Grab something and carry it for 400 meters.
Carry it in front of you with a bear hug grip. So, no gripping any handles, etc.
Ideas: Stones, heavy med balls, jerry cans with water, bumper plates, big sand bag, telephone pole outside, etc.
Note what you carried in the comments.
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