Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
1: ABC Clean Warm up (No Measure)
2: Power Clean (15 MIN to find heavy-ish Power Clean)
3: Metcon (Weight)
24 MIN EMOM: (12 sets)
First Minute – Power Clean x 2 reps
Second Mintue – Run 200 Meters
Try to use the weight you found today. If you need to drop to reset, then feel free to drop it.
Score your successful lifts in pounds. For example, if you made 21 of the 24 power cleans @ 225 lbs, your score would be 21 x 225 = 4,725 lbs.
Do not make any other attempts outside of the two attempts. If you miss a lift, you still count it as a rep for the sake of the workout. You just don’t get to count it in your score.
Extra Work
4: Metcon (No Measure)
2 rounds:
Overhead Barbell Carry x 50 feet
Rest 2-3 minutes
100 meter sled drag (heavy) walking, do not run
Rest 2-3 minutes
5: Metcon (No Measure)
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Goat Bag Swings x 10-12 reps @ 30X1
Rest 60 seconds
Side Plank Left x 45-60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Side Plank Right x 45-60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
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