Coach Garrett’s Six Week Sled-Sprint Program

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Coach Garrett’s Six Week Sled-Sprint Program

by Garrett Turner, Bandit CrossFit coach

Over the last six weeks I have developed and tested a sled pulling program that will add muscle to the legs and trunk, burn fat, increase leg and core strength, and make you feel great (or at least it did in my case). This being said, the program itself is simple, yet it’s very effective. While it is simple in it’s construction, it’s also very hard physically and mentally. So, if you’re looking for an easy fix, this is not the solution. However, the gains you will make are definitely worth all the pain and suffering in the end.

I actually took the liberty of doing some body composition tests (using our gym’s Inbody machine) and testing my back squat before I went through my program so that I could retest afterwards to have some comparative data on my results. Here are some of my stats before and after the program:

Data Points



Back Squat
(no straps, belt, or olympic lifting shoes)315 lbs345 lbs30 lb increase!!

Skeletal Muscle Mass

84.7 lbs89.5 lbs4.8 lbs increase

B0dy Fat Mass

26.7 lbs23.4 lbs3.3 lbs decreasePercent Body Fat15.4%13.1% 2.3% decrease

As you can see, I made considerable progress in only 6 weeks! Now, it’s your turn to be a guinea pig and see what kind of results you will get. Starting December 5, we will be including the sled pull program in our gym programming. The program will be done every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Coming to all three sessions, or making up the work that you miss will be the key in seeing results. As we get closer to the end of the month, we will be setting up a chance for everyone to collect their preliminary data points. So, stay tuned!

Want to see the program? Here it is:

Week 1

Day 1: Max weight 50 meter sled sprint (100%)

3 x 25m Forwards sprint + 25m Backwards pull with 85%-90% of max load

Day 2: 15 min max distance trudge with 60%-65% of max load

Day 3: Work back up to max weight for a 50m sled sprint (100%)

5 x 25m Forwards sprint + 25m Backwards pull with 85%-90% of max load


Week 2

Day 1: 50m sled sprint with 105% max weight

3 x 25m Forwards sprint + 25m Backwards pull with 85%-90% of max load

Day 2: 15 min max distance trudge with 60%-65% of max load

Day 3: Work up to max weight (for this week) for a 50m sled sprint

5 x 25m Forwards sprint + 25m Backwards pull with 85%-90% of max load


Week 3

Day 1: 50m sled sprint with 105% max weight

3 x 25m Forwards sprint + 25m Backwards pull with 85%-90% of max load

Day 2: 15 min max distance trudge with 60%-65% of max load

Day 3: Work up to max weight (for this week) for a 50m sled sprint

5 x 25m Forwards pull + 25m Backwards pull with 85%-90% of max load


Week 4

Day 1: 5 sets (with 100% max weight from last week): 25m Forward sprint; Rest 20-30 sec; 25m Forward sprint

Day 2: 15 min max distance trudge with 60%-65% of max load

Day 3: Work up to 105% weight for a 50m sprint

Then; 3 sets of: 25m Forward sprint; Rest 20-30 sec; 25m Forward sprint


Week 5

Day 1: 5 sets (with 100% max weight from last week): 25m Forward sprint; Rest 20-30 sec; 25m Forward sprint

Day 2: 15 min max distance trudge with 60%-65% of max load

Day 3: Work up to 105% weight for a 50m sprint

Then; 3 sets of: 25m Forward sprint; Rest 20-30 sec; 25m Forward sprint


Week 6

Day 1: 5 sets (with 100% max weight from last week): 25m Forward sprint; Rest 20-30 sec; 25m Forward sprint

Day 2: 15 min max distance trudge with 60%-65% of max load

Day 3: Work up to 105% weight for a 50m sprint

Then; 3 sets of: 25m Forward sprint; Rest 20-30 sec; 25m Forward sprint

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at I’d be happy to discuss this program. And for anyone outside of the gym who would like to do this program, please let me know what kind of results you got!

The post Coach Garrett’s Six Week Sled-Sprint Program appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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