Finding Success in this New Normal

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Finding Success in this New Normal

I am a person who thrives on normal. I function best when I am on a routine. I thrive on consistency.

The world I am living in is anything but routine and normal. I am working from home. My children are home. Their teachers are expecting me to keep them learning daily. Their coaches are expecting me to keep them active and in shape. My husband is self employed, his business future is uncertain. This is STRESSFUL.

However, in the midst of this chaos, I am at peace. I’m actually enjoying this weird, chaotic new normal. I’ve been perplexed at how I’m not at my wit’s end. Maybe it’s because my kids are getting along!? Maybe it’s because I can’t change what’s going on around me?.. Or maybe it’s because I’ve spent the last 3ish years of my life striving to become a better version of myself daily, and I’ve actually established habits that are now ingrained as normal no matter what the circumstances are.

Here are 6 things I’m doing to keep my sanity.

  1. I created my own schedule. I scheduled a time for getting up, eating, working out, working, cleaning, and teaching and playing with my kids.
  2. I created a schedule for my children. Kids crave routine. I know my kids are feeling the anxiety and stress about getting sick and missing their friends at school and sports. They know what to expect throughout the day, and they like it!
  3. I am working out everyday. I am so thankful to be a part of a gym that cares so much about it’s members that they are providing virtual classes and programming that can be done at home.
  4. I am still planning all my meals and my schedule is keeping me on track with getting my snacks in at their scheduled time. Every week I use a meal planning calendar to plan out breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks per day. I use this plan to make my grocery list. Grocery shopping is proving difficult, because I usually use pick up, and well, that’s hit and miss right now.
  5. I am still sleeping 7-8 hours each night, and I’m making my kids go to bed too! We’re not on vacation!! We are staying home to prevent the spread of a nasty virus, it’s important to keep our bodies healthy! Getting enough sleep is vital to a healthy immune system!
  6. I drink 80oz of water each day. I know my body needs it and it helps keep me full and decreases the temptation to mindlessly snack. Instead, I mindlessly sip water!

I hope these tips will help you find sanity in these crazy times!

Janice Ferguson

The post Finding Success in this New Normal appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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