Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Garrett Turner, RX Individual

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Garrett Turner, RX Individual

Garrett Turner is one of Bandit CrossFit’s young guns, and he will be making his RX debut at the Pensacola Beach Brawl at the end of the month. This will also be Garrett’s first time to compete as an individual. Garrett, 19, is a full-time college student and works part time. He has put in a lot of work and made a lot of progress over the past year despite his busy schedule. We asked Garrett about CrossFit, the Beach Brawl, and Bandit as the first in our blog series highlighting the Bandits who were brave enough, or lucky enough, to secure a coveted spot at the 2014 Pensacola Beach Brawl.

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I’ve been doing Crossfit styled work for about a year now, but I started training at Bandit in January which is where my “real deal” Crossfit journey started.

What is your competitive CrossFit experience?

This isn’t my first Crossfit competition. I’ve competed in the Mako Crossfit Feeding Frenzy, a Garage Games competition at CrossFit Francos, in Louisiana, and a charity event in Montgomery, AL.

Garrett is no stranger to competitive CrossFit. He was a key member in the winning Bandit CrossFit scaled team at the Mako CrossFit showdown this past spring at the University of West Florida campus. Pictured on the top of the podium, l-r: Casey Ferguson, Justin Smith, Garrett Turner, Kim Colle.

Why are you competing in the Beach Brawl?

I chose to do the Beach Brawl because I want to test my abilities against other competitors. I also want to see how I do on my own because every other competition I’ve been to so far, I’ve been in the team division.

Why do you like do compete in CrossFit?

I love to compete! I’m a very competitive person, and I like to see how I hold under the pressures that come with competition. It also helps me to make PR’s and improve on my skills.

What are your goals for the Beach Brawl?

My goal is to win the Rx’d division. I’m trying to hold my expectations for myself very high for this competition because I feel like trying to “just place” isn’t motivational enough.

What movements do you want to see in the Beach Brawl WODs?

I hope to see muscle ups! I think that that is where I could gain an advantage over most competitors, especially if it was coupled with heavier weighted movements.

What movements do you not want to see come up?

I think that I’m at the point in my fitness where no movement is going to devastate me, but, if I had to pick a movement that I’m not great at, it would probably be thrusters!

Why do you do CrossFit?
I do Crossfit because it makes everything in my life better. It helps me to maintain stress, and it also is making me a stronger, fitter, more well-rounded individual. Plus, I really like the camaraderie part about Crossfit. It makes me feel like people depend on me to be there just as much as I depend on them, and then we all get to push through a day of lifting and WOD’s! Yes, multiple WOD’s!

Why do you choose Bandit CrossFit?

I really like the atmosphere at Bandit. The coach’s are great and make you feel like family. The entire Bandit community/family is motivating and just inspirational to be around. It is definitely worth the drive to go to Bandit for me. I couldn’t be more thankful for Bandit and all of the people who make it what it is.

Garrett spends his time making sure the Bandits have diverse ways to feel the functional movement burn. Pictured:
l-r, Nate Pardee, Cameron Wells, Garrett Turner, Graham Griffin

The post Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Garrett Turner, RX Individual appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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