Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Jason Edwards, RX Male

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Jason Edwards, RX Male

After almost a year of training and competing with the Bandit Competition Team, Jason Edwards is set to make his second appearance in the Men’s RX Division at the Pensacola Beach Brawl. Edwards has been a staple on the Coast’s competitive CrossFit scene over the past few years. Edwards is also a lieutentant for the Gulfport Fire Department, where he has worked for the past 13 years. In his spare time, he teaches the Bandit young guns about “old man” strength. Jason has come a long way since joining the crew at Bandit, and we are excited to see him continue to grow in strength, skill and ability in the years to come. More about Jason:

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Four years

What is your competitive CrossFit experience?
Biloxi Blues twice, once as individual (10th place RX) and once on an RX team (3rd place.)
Mako Feeding Frenzy Rx Team (2nd place)
CrossFit Francos Gulf Coast Games Rx Team (4th Place)
Pensacola Beach Brawl 2013 Rx Indvidual (11th Place)

Why did you choose to compete in the Beach Brawl?
It’s the best competition in the South. There’s great competitors there, and it’s a well-run event.

What do you get out of doing CrossFit competitions?
I like testing myself against other athletes and pushing myself farther in the sport. I’m very competitive. Pushing myself to get better for a competition drives me to train harder

What are your goals in the Beach Brawl competition?
I’d like to finish top 10 in the RX division.

What exercise do you hope to see?
Toes to bar!!!!!!!!! (Editor’s Note: Edwards can do 1,987 unbroken toes to bar. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes. –Janice Marie)

What exercise do you not want to see?
Deficit handstand pushups

Why do you do CrossFit?
It’s hard… constantly varied, and doesn’t cater to one type of athlete… and, did I mention it’s hard? CrossFit has me in the best physical shape of my life at 39 years old.

Why did you choose Bandit CrossFit?
It’s the people…. Bandit has the best athletes on the Coast by far. There’s a family feel here along with a competitive desire.

(L-R) Coach Janice, Coach Josh, and Jason representing Bandit CrossFit at the Gulf Coast Games at CrossFit Francos, Slidell, Louisiana, in May 2014.

The post Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Jason Edwards, RX Male appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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