Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Samantha Guthrie, RX Female

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Samantha Guthrie, RX Female

Samantha Guthrie is an American Ninja Warrior, top obstacle racer, and all-around CrossFit athlete. Sam started her CrossFit journey with Bandit CrossFit back in March 2013, and has used her work ethic and competitive nature to make huge personal athletic gains since that time. The sky is the limit with Sam, and we know that she is determined to work hard for any goal she sets her mind to. We are fortunate to have Sam on our Bandit coaching staff as well as our competition team. She serves as a great role model for our members and for her three daughters. It has been exciting to watch Sam grow into an accomplished athlete and coach. Her potential is limitless. Not only is Sam a talented athlete/coach, but she is also an accomplished woodworker, homecoming dress/patch seamstress, and fixer of all things broken. More about Sam:

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
1.5 years

What is your competitive CrossFit experience?
I have competed in 5 competitions in both individual and team divisions. But, this will be my first time to compete in the RX division as an individual.

Why did you choose to do the Beach Brawl?
Because Coach Janice told me to do it last year? Seriously, though, I found it to be a well-run event with safe WODs and a high level of competition.

What do you get out of doing CrossFit competitions?
I’m competitive by nature. I have a hard time just doing stuff for fun. I love to push my limits.

What are your goals for the 2014 Beach Brawl?
This year I really just want to see where I stand in a field of great RX competitors. (Editor’s note: Last year Sam earned 6th place out of more than 60 competitors in the Scaled Individual division after only six months of CrossFit experience.)

What do you hope to see in the WODs?
Rope Climbs

What do you hope they leave out of the WODs?
Double Unders

Why do you do CrossFit?
I do CrossFit because I think the human body is an amazing thing, and I love seeing what it can do. CrossFit has tested me in more ways than anything ever has. It has definitely made me better not only physically, but mentally, as well.

Why do you choose Bandit CrossFit?
Why not?! The coaching is one-of-a-kind!

Coach Sam (far right) with our Bandit Teen Athletes. Sam coaches this class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and has made a difference in the lives and performance of these young athletes.

The post Pensacola Beach Brawl 2014: Samantha Guthrie, RX Female appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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