Check out Jalyn (pronounced Juh-lin, not Jay-lin) at the 2013 Pensacola Beach Brawl. She competed while 6 months pregnant with her second son, Jayce.
Pure Grit. That’s the only way to describe Jalyn Wade. I’ve had the pleasure of coaching Jalyn since 2011. She’s an original Fergie’s Boot Camp member from back in the day. She’s always been motivated to be her absolute best and give everything she has in her training. Although Jalyn didn’t mention anything to me about being a competitive person in her responses below, it is evident to anyone at Bandit CrossFit, that she is indeed a competitor. But, humility and postitive mindset are also traits she possesses. Jalyn is always the first to cheer on her fellow Bandits and is never at a loss for an encouraging word to those around her.
For the past couple of years, Jalyn has been pregnant. She had two sons very close in age, but that has never slowed her down from living an active and healthy lifestyle. Jalyn is a great example that being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop physical activity. She never stopped working out while expecting. We modified everything for her and allowed her to work at her own pace during the pregnancies. I am just as excited as Jalyn is to see her compete without a bun in the oven. It seems the last several times she has competed, she has been “in the family way.”
Outside of CrossFit, Jalyn is a kindergarten teacher and is also a military spouse. Her husband, Bryce, is currently deployed to Afghanistan, and has been there since January of this year. Somehow Jalyn still finds time to manage a full time job, a household, her children, and CrossFit. When I grow up, I want to be just like her. More about Jalyn:
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I’ve been Crossfitting for 3 years. My first year was solely out of my own and my neighbor’s garages. Then, two years ago, I made the choice to join the box so I could make better gains and be more involved with the community that comes with the sport.
Is this your first CrossFit competition? If not, what other competitions have you competed in?
This is not my first, but perhaps, the first event where I feel the most prepared. My first-ever competition was in Mobile, AL, at a Firebreather Challenge back in 2011. My friend convinced me I would be able to do the unscaled course and it was really hard. I got a taste for it, and knew I wanted to increase my abilities so I could go back and do it better, faster. I was actually 13 weeks pregnant during that race with my son, Tayt. I know what you’re thinking, when am I not pregnant, right?
The second Crossfit competition I’ve competed in was the Pensacola Beach Brawl in 2013 (also pregnant, this time 6 months large with Jayce). I competed in the scaled division. I loved it. I can’t wait to go back and experience it all again.
Why did you choose to the do the Beach Brawl?
It’s very well-run and professional. It’s also beautiful there, right on the beach with hundreds of people all cheering on their fellow crossfitters and/or family members. The energy there is almost indescribable for me. It’s…exciting.
Why do you want to do CrossFit competitions?
For myself, I’ve found that if I don’t compete in scheduled events, my training tends to get more lax. This goes for anything from running a 5k to a major event like the Beach Brawl. If I have a goal in sight, I train harder, eat better, and stay on track. I also love to compete with myself and others because it makes working out more fun.
What are your goals in the Beach Brawl competition?
I would really like to be ranked better than I was last year (I think I was 88 out of 94). So, maybe in the 60s, if at all possible. I won’t be too upset if I don’t make it, after all, we’ll be doing different events than last year and it sounds like there will be more people this go round, so I can’t compare. I’m going into it with an attitude of enjoyment. This will be a vacation. And did I mention I won’t be pregnant?

What movement do you hope to see?
I really hope to see cleans. It’s my favorite lift.
What movement do you not want to see?
Jump ropes or box jumps because my toes are broken and they hurt, but I know better. They’ll be required. Maybe in more than one event.
Why do you do CrossFit? What do you like most about it?
Crossfit makes me feel empowered. It’s personal; it’s me against myself. It’s also cheaper than therapy, which sounds like a joke, but if I’m honest, is probably a huge reason of why I go. It has enabled me to see myself differently and my desires for myself are changing. It’s good for me mentally as well as physically.
Why Bandit CrossFit?
Janice introduced me to Crossfit. I was sitting in inclusion science when she busted in with all her kids to show Mrs. Stafford’s class a video. I was in disbelief at what the people were doing in the video. I remember asking Janice if it was in real time, because I’d never seen people do air squats that fast before. She invited me to E-fit to do a WOD. I liked it but it was too expensive and too far away for me to travel everyday. Shortly thereafter, I joined Janice’s summer boot camp classes and started doing WODs with my neighbor (also a friend of Janice’s). When Janice announced that she would be opening up a box, it was no question for me, whether I’d go or not. Janice is an excellent teacher, in and out of the classroom, and I knew that if I wanted to join any box, hers would be it. I knew she cared about me, about what she was venturing to do, and I was inspired by her. (I love you, too, Jalyn.)
Jalyn (right) competed in a triathlon over the summer in Idaho and achieved a long-time goal of hers: winning a trophy at a race. She was second in her division.
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