Bandit Boot Camp Success Story–Barbie Lepre

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit Boot Camp Success Story–Barbie Lepre

Photo details: Barbie gave us these before and after photos of herself!! Way to go, Barbie!!

At Bandit CrossFit, numbers speak louder than words. Check out some stats on one of our Bandit Boot Camp members, Barbie Lepre. Barbie joined our first boot camp session back in April, and here’s her progress so far:

Pounds lost: 15
Inches lost: 4.5 (waist and hips combined)

Performance Testing:
(one minute of max effort for situps, pushups, squats)
Situps gained: 13
Pushups gained: 17 (First time was to a 30″ box, second time was with gymnastics rings)
Air Squats gained: 14 (First time was sitting to a box, second time was without a box)
400 meter run: improved her time by one minute and 48 seconds

We couldn’t be more proud of all the hard work Barbie has done these past few months. Her results speak volumes to the dedication she has put into improving her health and fitness.

Stay tuned for another success story next week! If you want to see these kind of results for yourself, we can help! Contact our Bandit Boot Camp Director, Emily Fowler, by email at, or via text or phone call at 940-704-7017.

The post Bandit Boot Camp Success Story–Barbie Lepre appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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