Bandit CrossFit On Ramp Classes Summer 2014

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit On Ramp Classes Summer 2014

by Janice Marie Ferguson

At Bandit CrossFit, we try to deliver as much value to our members as possible. We want to make our clients stronger, faster and better at everything. A typical class involves four components: warmup, skill work, strength (weightlifting), and conditioning (cardio). That’s a lot to pack in just one hour.

This well-rounded approach to fitness requires our members to be highly-educated and somewhat self-sufficient to keep class moving at a quick pace. For this reason, we can’t allow beginners in our regular classes because the beginner requires more attention and time to understand what is going on. It is unfair to the current members AND it doesn’t allow the beginner to have the quality coaching he/she needs to get the full Bandit experience. This is one of the reasons we have stopped the “First Class Free” or “First Week Free” incentive that is common across the country for many other CrossFit affiliates.

Now, that doesn’t mean a CrossFit “beginner” can’t find their place in our gym.

The Defintion of “Beginner.”

I talk with dozens of people on a monthly basis who are interested in joining our gym. Most of them are “beginners.” However, my definition of beginner is much different from their perceived definitions. Being a beginner at CrossFit is more about “how to do CrossFit” than “being good” (athletic-wise) at doing CrossFit. I have members at my gym who are not able to do pullups, muscleups, or double unders, etc, but they are a far cry from being a beginner.

Our first ever Bandit On Ramp class back in March 2013!

At Bandit CrossFit, we strongly believe that CrossFit success starts with a solid education. Our solution for “beginners” is an On Ramp course designed to give them the foundation they need to join our classes with a high level of confidence. We limit particpants in the On Ramp program to only six because we believe in quality over quantity. This concept is a guiding principle in everything we do at our gym.

Who is the On Ramp for?

Anyone who has less than 2-3 months experience in CrossFit MUST take our beginners course. If you have wanted to start CrossFit, but you don’t want to be lost in the crowd, our on ramp course is for you. As mentioned, we limit our on Ramp to 6 people at a time. There will be two coaches, and sometimes three. Our On Ramp graduates leave our class with a great education, confidence, and self-sufficiency necessary to join our regular classes.

How much?

$125 for four weeks


We don’t do On Ramps continuously. Our gym is functioning near capacity. So, we only offer these courses when we have room for new members. We have two On Ramp sessions coming up:

1. Tuesday, May 20 — Thursday, June, 12
All classes are on Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 p.m.-8:45 p.m.

2. Tuesday, June 3 — Thursday, June 26
All classes are on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.–11 a.m.

How to Sign Up?

Reserve your spot today by contacting Janice Marie Ferguson, janicemarie @

The post Bandit CrossFit On Ramp Classes Summer 2014 appeared first on Bandit CrossFit.

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