Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit
1: Clean Pull (3×5-7, work up, but not too heavy)
Don’t take too long with this work. It is just a warmup. You should be moving on to the next part within the first five minutes of class.
2: 2-Position Clean + 1 Jerk (hi-hang, hang clean) (1 rep E2MOM 6 MIN, 60% across)
2.2: Clean and Jerk (2 reps, 16 MIN E2MOM, building)
start at 60% and build adding 5-10# per set
3: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes (4 sets):
Run 400 meters
200-Foot Sandbag DBL Kettle bell Front Rack Carry
20/15 Pushups (thighs may not touch the floor)
Rx+: Do HSPU
Score is time for each round. You should have some time to rest after each round. If you don’t then, please modify.
The run should take no more than 2 minutes. The KB carry should be no more than a minute. The pushups should be no more than 30 seconds and should be done unbroken, or at the very least in less than 2 sets. This is not a strength piece, it is cardio. So, modify your pushups to get the desired effect.
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