Main – CrossFit
“It’s not the mistakes and failures you have to worry about, it’s the opportunities you miss when you don’t even try that hurt the most.”
1: Crossover Symmetry (No Measure)
2: Metcon (No Measure)
1a: 3×15 Sling Shot Squats, tempo 25×1
1b: 3×20 Band Side Steps
(See side steps here:
3: Front Squat (Work to 1RM)
4: Metcon (Time)
Level 3:
KB Snatch (count is for each arm, so first set is a total of 18 reps–9/r and 9/l, etc.) 53/35#
C2B Pullups
(Snatch from the hips)
Level 4:
Russian Double Amanda
KB Snatch Each Arm (53/35)
MU (use jumping as needed)
Check out this tutorioal on the Kettlebell Snatch by Jeff Martone:
Do this work on your own before or after class.
5: Metcon (No Measure)
5a. 3x Complete 30 sec free-standing HS Hold, use wall as needed, rest 2 min
5b.3x Complete 1 min hollow rock hold/back extension “arch” hold altnerating without using hands or feet (so roll) every 15 sec, rest 1 min
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