SEMINAR 23.4: Top Tips To Help Save Time ⏰ When Meal Prepping

April Nutrition Talk: Top Tips to Help Save Time When Meal Prepping
Jennifer Saucier
August 30, 2023
SEMINAR 23.4: Top Tips To Help Save Time ⏰ When Meal Prepping

Let’s face it… we have all come home after a long day at work to realize that we forgot to defrost that chicken for dinner. So, what did we do? Went out to eat or picked food up! Or maybe your morning is already so packed, the idea of making breakfast for yourself is impossible so you make a stop at Starbucks. In this nutrition talk we dive into how to make meal prep fast and easy, save money, eat more fruits and veggies, find staple recipes that you'll love and learn how you can achieve your health and wellness goals this year!

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