Bandit CrossFit WOD–Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Janice Ferguson
July 31, 2023
Bandit CrossFit WOD–Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bandit CrossFit – CrossFit

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1: Bandit Barbell Clean AND Jerk Warm-up (No Measure)


2: 3-Position Clean + Jerk (Work up to a heavy set)

Clean from hips, above knee, floor.


If you didn’t get to do yesterday’s workout because of the class cancellations, feel free to do that one instead. This really applies to evening classes, and even more specifically, Pretty Rickey.

3: Metcon (Time)

Working on the odd minutes and resting on the even minutes:

50 Pullups

50 Push Press 95/65 (no rack)

50 Back Squat 95/65 (no rack)

50 calorie bike or ski

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